
One of the milestones I set for our business in 2019 was ensuring we have protection with regards to one of our most precious assets – the Intellectual Property we’ve developed over the past decade.
I am really proud to announce that Goldratt Research Labs have been awarded three trademarks for three of our core innovations.
We were awarded trademarks for my ProConCloud decision-making method, for our Harmony Range of Decision Making Apps, as well as my “Impossible, Unless… ?” podcast series and method for identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs.
I’ve been surprised to see how many Entrepreneurs invest tens of thousands, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars, in securing domain names, creating brands and programs, only to find out, sometimes via the dreaded “Cease and Desist” letter, that they don’t have the rights to use their brand or their proprietary product or service names in the markets or industries they are targeting. Trademarking offers a relatively low-cost option to ensure your IP is protected.
I’ve even heard of a few cases where “Trademark hackers” registered a trademark on someone else’s innovation and demanded royalty payments from them. That must really suck!
A big THANK YOU to Erik Pelton, the founder and lead attorney at EMP&A, an innovative Trademark Lawyer firm, whose team really goes the extra mile to realize their vision of making intellectual property protection understandable, accessible, and affordable for entrepreneurs like me.
If you haven’t trademarked your most precious assets – your Intellectual Property and Brands – take the initiative today, and get started on the process before it is too late.
If you are interested to learn more about any of these three innovations, use the links below: