
IMPOSSIBLE to achieve very ambitious targets UNLESS…?

In the second episode of my “IT IS IMPOSSIBLE … UNLESS?” podcast series, I share two common mistakes made, when we want to make significant improvements in our organizations or our life. I call these two mistakes, Under-targeting and Overcommitting. The Mistake of Under-targeting: Leadership teams and entrepreneurs don’t want to waste their limited attention, … Continue reading IMPOSSIBLE to achieve very ambitious targets UNLESS…?

How can you take risks without being reckless? Dr. Phil

Being successful in life, and in business, requires the willingness to overcome fears and make decisions that involve risk and uncertainty. Unfortunately, many people struggle with finding the balance between making sure you don’t, on the one side, procrastinate in making decisions or changes that involve risk, while also not, on the other side, wait … Continue reading How can you take risks without being reckless? Dr. Phil


Have you ever really wanted or needed to achieve a goal… but then didn’t even try … … because you thought it was “simply impossible”? Or maybe you have a team or client that have told you “it’s impossible!” in response to you challenging them to achieve a very ambitious by very worthwhile goal? My … Continue reading IMPOSSIBLE…UNLESS?


Trademarks One of the milestones I set for our business in 2019 was ensuring we have protection with regards to one of our most precious assets – the Intellectual Property we’ve developed over the past decade. I am really proud to announce that Goldratt Research Labs have been awarded three trademarks for three of our … Continue reading Trademarks!

Helpful or harmful?

I have a question for you. How do you know whether what you believe is right or wrong? This is a question I first asked myself as a young boy after stumbling across Henry Ford’s famous quote in the September 1947 edition of my Grand Father’s prized collection of Readers Digests. Henry Ford famously said: … Continue reading Helpful or harmful?