
Why do we sometimes make really BAD Decisions?

I was recently invited by the founders of the IMN Business Club London, Richard and Nina Peutherer, to share my research and insights why we sometime make really bad decisions  and other questions you might have been curious about…. 1 .Why is Failure MUCH more common than Success? 2. What are the avoidable decision mistakes … Continue reading Why do we sometimes make really BAD Decisions?

AME Productivity and Profitability Forum

Why Maximizing Asset Utilization is Enemy #1 of Productivity & Profitability I am sharing the video of my keynote to the Asset Management Ecosystem (AME) Forum earlier this week, the title of my keynote was quite provocative: “Why Maximizing Asset Utilization is Enemy #1 of Productivity & Profitability.” Most leadership teams believe that to improve … Continue reading AME Productivity and Profitability Forum

IMPOSSIBLE… to dramatically improve operational performance…UNLESS?

MY PODCAST OF THE WEEK IT’S IMPOSSIBLE… to dramatically improve operational performance…UNLESS? In the fourth episode of my “IT’S IMPOSSIBLE … UNLESS?” podcast series, I share the simple but powerful method I use whenever I face the challenge of identifying how to dramatically improve an organization or a person’ performance in the lowest cost, lowest … Continue reading IMPOSSIBLE… to dramatically improve operational performance…UNLESS?